The Sixteen Performs Song of Songs

The Sixteen Performs Song of Songs

Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall - Chamber Hall
1380 Fuxing Zhong Lu Xuhui Shanghai
This ticket is available as an e-ticket or a paper ticket
The Sixteen Performs Song of Songs

The Sixteen Performs Song of Songs

Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall - Chamber Hall
1380 Fuxing Zhong Lu Xuhui Shanghai
180 - 580
E-ticketPaper ticket

Event details

"A tiny soundbite of heaven"
-The Times
The Sixteen is recognised as one of the world’s greatest ensembles. Comprising both choir and period-instrument orchestra, The Sixteen’s total commitment to the music it performs is its greatest distinction. A special reputation for performing early English polyphony and masterpieces of the Renaissance, bringing fresh insights into Baroque and early Classical music and a diversity of 20th- and 21st-century music, is drawn from the passions of Founder and Conductor Harry Christophers CBE.
Conductor: Harry Christophers
Harry Christophers is known internationally as Founder and Conductor of The Sixteen as well as a regular guest conductor for many of the major symphony orchestras and opera companies worldwide. He has directed The Sixteen throughout Europe, America and Asia, gaining a distinguished reputation for his work in Renaissance, Baroque and 21st-century music.


Gerald Finzi: I Praise the Tender Flower (Robert Bridges)
Palestrina: Vineam meam non custodivi
John Barber: By Night
Francisco Guerrero: Ego flos campi
James Macmillan: The Gallant Weaver (Robert Burns)
Thomas Morley: April is in my mistress’ face
Orlando Gibbons: The Silver Swan
William Byrd: This sweet and merry month of May
Tomás Luis de Victoria: Vadam et circuibo
John Barber: The Voice of my Beloved
Palestrina: Pulchrae sunt genae tuae
John Barber: Love is as Strong as Death
Robert Pearsall: Lay a Garland
Benjamin Britten: Gloriana Dances
Tomás Luis de Victoria: Vidi speciosam
Gerald Finzi: My Spirit Sang All Day (Robert Bridges)


*Program is subject to change.

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The Sixteen Performs Song of Songs

Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall - Chamber Hall
1380 Fuxing Zhong Lu Xuhui Shanghai
This ticket is available as an e-ticket or a paper ticket
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