A synthesis of hundreds of folkdance figures and music from different regions
Fire of Anatolia is a unique project whose source is Anatolia’s ancient mythological and cultural history.Produced by Mustafa Erdogan, the group hopes to introduce the world to the fire that arises from the ancient mosaic of love, cultural history and peace in Anatolia. The Fire of Anatolia, which is regarded as one of the best dance groups of the world because of countless international tours and various promotional activities has taken great steps in realizing this goal.
In 1999, Mustafa Erdogan who took his first steps towards making his dream that extends many years ago started to work intensively on the project, which was then known as the “Sultans of the Dance”. Audition announcements were placed in the newspapers. 90 talented young dancers were selected out of 750 applicants, who began dancing immediately. This first period, full of hard work, lasted for about one and a half year. Working periods of usually 8 hours but sometimes 16 hours a day...
Costumes were created and music was composed. The group worked night and day under the supervision of dieticians, esthetics, exercise, and massage specialists. Stretching and yoga were also incoporated. Folk dances, ballet, and modern dance were the center of training. Dancers took theoretical instructions on the notation of Anatolian rhythms.

The show was planned to tour abroad after a few performances in Turkey. However, all tickets were already sold months before the performances and on May 3, 2001, it was decided to stay longer within the country. Starting its first world tour in 2002, The Fire of Anatolia has achieved to great art-lovers in many countries throughout the world, including Albania, Algeria, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bahrain, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhistan, Latvia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Siberia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunusia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai), United States of America.
The Fire of Anatolia, which brings the rich culture of Anatolia and the magic of dance on the same scene in a magnificent style, became the first dance group that performed in The Building of China Parliament. The group performed for an audience of four hundred thousand people, all standing, in Eregli, in the Black Sea region and holds the title for “Largest Auidience” in the Guinness Book of World Records for this performance. They were also the first group performing in the Bodrum Antique Theatre after 2300 years. Fire of Anatolia has reached over 50 million people both in foreign countries and homeland since their debut on May 3, 2001.