A Chinese Bestiary

A Chinese Bestiary

1862 Theatre
1777 Binjiang Avenue Pudong Shanghai
This ticket is only available as a paper ticket
A Chinese Bestiary

A Chinese Bestiary

1862 Theatre
1777 Binjiang Avenue Pudong Shanghai
Paper ticket

Event details

The Child's dad's bedtime story is A Chinese Bestiary, which depicts myths such as Nûwa Made Man and the War Between Chi You and Fu Xi. Every night, the Child would sleep while listening to the stories in A Chinese Bestiary, and a dream-like A Chinese Bestiary story is created in his small head. He shared the imaginary A Chinese Bestiary with his classmates at a reading party. Some students doubted whether he had read A Chinese Bestiary, which made him feel ashamed and suspected whether he was lying.

He blamed Nûwa for manufacturing complicated emotions for humans. In the end, his teacher and father solved his puzzles, making him realise the difference between imagination and lies, and also learn that the greatness of the human treasure A Chinese Bestiary lies in imagination.


Date: 2021.05.02 @ 19:30

Duration: 30 mins

Language: Mandarin

Price: 180 RMB

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A Chinese Bestiary

1862 Theatre
1777 Binjiang Avenue Pudong Shanghai
This ticket is only available as a paper ticket
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